A Simple Love Story

A Simple Love Story

A simple love story is showing some love for someone else by merely doing something good for them.  Even during this COVID-19 season, we can make time for someone else.  Many of us are grieving the loss of loved one(s), experiencing anxiety, depression, and so many other things.  In some cases we're very guarded, and in other cases we're searching for some kind of connection.  We're all in this together, so it's helpful to be helpful. With being mindful about tending to our emotional and mental well-being during these times, doing a love act for someone else can add some tenderness to your life.  Take a moment and picture yourself doing something good for someone.  You may already know what needs to be done. You may already know who it needs to be done for.  How about just doing it.

Show some love for someone else today.  A simple love story.

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