Kim Sharing 6 Effective Lifestyle Ingredients as Better Living Batter


What ingredients are you using to blend as your 'Better Living Batter'? If you haven't identified them yet, how long will you subscribe to passive living without defining what's really helping you from day-to-day? Guess what? I can relate because this used to be me, UNTIL I decided to actively name my refining.

"Journeying through this life can feel like you're on a carousel sometimes. I took the liberty of showing you merely 6 of many ingredients that I'm effectively resourcing on a daily basis. They're helping me win with BEing me, while I deal with real-life circumstances. Not the fixated me, the emerged me. I get to be more at ease regularly and less bothered by external distractions because I'm more at peace from my internal transformations."

"I added some flavor to my carousel, making it visually appealing, more exciting and fun-loving since I'm all about making life better for me. When life is better for me, I'm better with 'them'. All of the 'thems'. Because, why shouldn't I be?"

 I speak more about these 6 ingredients on my podcast episode 'Better Living Batter' - Blending Life's Lessons'. You can click the link to navigate and listen, or listen later on, Spotify, and most other platforms.


When real life is happening, it requires us to be on top of our game, covering our bases by tending to our spaces. Our spaces within our humanity that need our undivided attention. We get to help ourselves by regularly speaking to our spaces of discouragement, inducing our lives with words of encouragement, propelling ourselves to our next best experience(s) because we also get to be better. On the other hand, if you decide not to answer your own call when you need to be heard by you, this missed opportunity could feel like a forfeit. When you think about this do you see yourself as living by design of forfeiting moments, and if so, how long will you subscribe to this? 

This video shows real life moments with depictions of speaking engagements, but not the kind that are designed for groups of people. The kind of speaking engagements which I call 'courageous conversations' or 'courageous communication' with yourself, because you need a 'wakeup call'. Having a daily self-check-in with yourself as a reminder could be the thing you need. I have you covered. My 'Comprehensive Self-Care Daily Check-In Kimforgram Digital Download' Click the link and make your purchase.


Guess what? You can have your own free PDF guide to remind you about 'Speaking to My Matters of My Heart for Better Living' from right here.

Your link text NOTE: When I ask for your information, I'm building upon having you as someone I can share valuable content with. That means you get to engage with whatever resonates with you. It also means I'll continue to update you as I'm being updated, our 'privacy policy' for collecting your data becomes engaged, and you're free to unsubscribe whenever you want. See how that works?


Do you dwell with you, within all of your spaces that need you? Or are you missing the opportunity of being acquainted with your authenticity? This used to be me, UNTIL it wasn't anymore. When you know you better, the internal untruths become irrelevant AND they won't disrupt your flow, ☝🏾UNLESS you let it. When you know you better, the external untruths become irrelevant AND they won't disrupt your flow, ☝🏾UNLESS you let it. Becoming more self-aware means you might be surprised to find out just how AMAZING you already are. If your posture doesn't say 'I am all that', ask yourself why not. Yep. That's a great place to start because you are waiting to be uplifted by you. Be your own hero.



Did you know your output will be determined by your intake? What and who are you standing with? What are you standing on as your foundational principles? Is it or them serving you well, nutritiously? Or are you being malnourished because you are deciding to stay subscribed to it or them indefinitely? 🤔 We need to have these courageous conversations with ourselves to get right with ourselves. When we decide to do deliberate living vs passive living, we get better outcomes for our designed and desired lifestyle✅️. Check in with your validation of you. Even if you need to redefine you. There's no condemnation here for any past, present, or future decisions. Here's your invitation for celebration. Celebrate you with the unveiling of you. Click and get my 'Embracing All of Me as My Authenticity - Activating My 'Wellness with Words' process for you to prioritize, optimize, and redefine you for the emergence of you.